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Refresh Community Church – Casa de Oración is a small house of prayer that is located in the small town of Patzcuaro, Michoacan Mexico. There aren’t any factories or manufacturers nearby so employment is a real challenge for many. People generally live from handmade food or goods. Our house of prayer is perfectly situated in a low resource/income part of town known for high criminal activity. We minister to those who are physically hungry for food with a meal or groceries, but also with a Bible and the word of God. This small town is predominantly Catholic or openly devout to witchcraft. Most of our visitors and regulars are Roman Catholic. We teach them what is written in the Bible and encourage them to read for themselves. I minister to 8-12 women regularly once per week with a meal (because many haven’t had one all day), with devotional time to the word of God (usually 2-3 hours), and with basic medical care: vitals, glucose management, and medical care covered under my EMS license. We provide worn clothes and shoes for those who need them from local donors, and we minister to a local orphanage at least once per month with the word of God and food. The children range in ages from 4 years old to 15.

When I’m not at the prayer house I minister to those who cannot get around anymore (the disabled and elderly) on the streets and provide them with a small bag of groceries or hats/gloves/raincoats to keep them comfortable as they beg for change or meals in the plazas on the sidewalks. I also like to provide sandwiches to feed those begging for change as often as our budget allows. I do home visits for several who cannot make our weekly devotional sessions. We are a biblical based house of prayer where difficult doctrinal questions arise concerning Catholicism. I was brought up and confirmed in the Catholic Church and openly discuss the questions with reference to the Catholic Catechism which I ministered to children in my youth.

I believe I was specifically chosen for this mission and location given my bicultural Roman Catholic background. Also, almost 80% of children and women that we have encountered have suffered sexual, emotional/mental and physical abuse which I am also able to address and discuss openly as necessary. All glory, honor, and praise to God that I experienced many of the characteristics that allow me to provide pastoral care and guidance with difficult subject matter post healing of my own emotions and past. When you give to this ministry, you give to someone who is broken, lost and hungry. 100 percent of donations go to people in need. Blessings from Mexico 🇲🇽

-Pastor Crysaly Aviles